Film and Animation

Over the past 10 years I have worked on a range of short animations and multimedia films. For larger scale projects I often work as part of a collective of other researchers, animators and film-makers. Below are a few selected films and animations.

Burghead: An Archaeological Investigation (2021) was a recent short film made in collaboration with Kieran Duncan and Kieran Baxter for the University of Aberdeen, funded by Historic Environment Scotland. You can read a piece about the project including an interview from the Courier here.

Lindisfarne: The Holy Island Archaeology Project (2020) was a recent short film Kieran Baxter and I collaborated on for Dig Ventures and funded by Historic England.

How Did You Live? Writing a Song for Nunalleq (2018) in 2018 the Quinhagak dance group came together to write a song about the Nunalleq archaeological excavations to be performed at the celebration of the new culture centre which opened in the village on August 11th.

Find out more here.

Dundee Law and the Dundee to Newtyle Railway (2018) this animated short was produced in collaboration with Kieran Baxter, with character animation by Tom Paxton. The animation “pops out” archival photographs into 3D. I worked closely with historians to accurately reconstruct, rig and animate two steam engines for the film.

Find out more here.

Nunalleq: A Day in the Life of an Archaeologist (2018) was a fun wee short made for the local school in the town of Quinhagak, Alaska where the excavations are based. The film aims to provide an introduction to some of the processes of archaeology while capturing the spirit of the dig.

Find out more here.